
Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014

Quiz Biology 2

Hello everybody! Now After discuss about Genetics let's we doing some quiz. This Quiz is contain 10 Essay Question. Before fill this quiz, I remind you to read about Pattern of Heredity (1-End) so you can fill it easily. Note that in the left side written a number, that's your score if you can answer correctly. If the explanation is not complete, i will reduce the score so be careful. Good Luck!

1. Ali was interested in Genetic so he began with 2 Plants those are one species but have different color. Ali polinate Red Flower with White Flower pollen and The white flower is polinate by Red Flower Pollen. Then The seeds are planted. If the all F1 is have Red Flower, Then,
(7) a. Draw the Diagram of the Process
(3) b. This Crossing process called _____ crossing, because ______

(12) 2. Fill The blank!
The Person who discover first about inheritance is named ______ . He using _____ to run his experiment. The reason why he use that is ________ and _______ . The crosses that he doing is _________ crosses. Because he ________.

3. A farmer have 2 type of seeds of mango. Sour and small seeds (SSbb) and Sweet and big seeds (ssBB) if there known Sour Type are dominant than sweet and Big seeds are dominant than small seeds. Then two seeds are crossed, So,
(6) a. Known that customer like Sweet and big seeds mango, Count the percentage of the F2 that are Sweet and have big seeds!
(3) b. If known the Fruit produced by F2 is 1000 pieces, Count the fruit that are sweet and have a big seeds!
(3) c. If a piece of mango that are sweet are 2 $ , Count the money that can he get from selling the sweet manggo.

(12) 4. Jane have two rabbits, The male dark grey one (Cch) and the female light grey one (CchCh) if the rabbit are mated, Then draw the diagram from P until F1 !

(4) 5. The Mendel Law apparent deviation that appearing new character if the 2 Dominant Gene was interact is ....

6. Two Pumpkins plant ,  the White one (PPKK) and the green one (ppkk) . If known that P gene are epistatic (covering character) than K and F2 are produce 160 pieces of pumpkins, Then
(8) a. Draw the Diagram of the crosses
(3) b. What of the kind of the Mendel Law apparent Deviation?
(5) c. Count How much the white pumpkin in F2 !

(10) 7. A woman have blood type A heterozygote married A man with blood type B heterozygote. Draw the diagram and Count the percentage that their child is A blood type, B, O, and AB !!!

(12) 8. Please Explain why happen "Erythroblastosis Fetalis" incident and at least mention 2 solution for this incident!!

(10) 9. A carrier woman for color blind gene married with A normal man. If they have 3 son, what is the probabillity that one of the son is a sufferer of the Color blind ? Explain.

(12) 10. On an isolated island there is one person who suffers an albino among the 100 residents of the island. Calculate how many people that was a carrier of the albino !!!

Send your Answer to in .DOCX Format !!! another format, i'm sorry i can't correcting your answer! Also I only can checking your answer with English Language or Bahasa Indonesia. The limit of sending the Answer is at 9 August 2014 13.00 GMT +7 . The result will posted at 10 August 2014 ! Thank you !!!

3 komentar:

  1. versi bahasa indonesia ada tak?,gak ngerti soalnya

  2. Just Translate it at Google Translate, btw please give me your email, i will send you the Indonesian Lanuage version

  3. Btw, i said big sorry because i false writing the email. The Correct email is . With this, The typo have been Repair. Sorry for the inconvience.
