Okay, Let's We Start ! Now we talk about Virus. What is Virus? Virus is the living things that only can exist with the help of Host. The Virus can live everywhere, both Procaryote and Eucaryote. But, some scientist says that Virus is not a Living Things. They said that Virus is more suitable to be Grouped as a Particle that contain Genetic Substances. Virus is taken from Latin Language that mean Poison.
History Of Virus
The history of Virus began on 1883 that a Scientist from Germany, Adolf Mayer, doing a research about the cause of Mosaic Disease on the Tobacco. He Extract the leaf of tobacco mosaic disease and spray it to the healthy tobacco. After a couple of day the Healthy tobacco become Infected. But Mayer can't see anything in the leaf extration on the microscope. But Mayer still assume that this disease are caused by Bacteria.
Then in 1892, a Scientist of Russia, Dmitri Iwanowski repeat the experiment done by Meyer. The difference is only that Dmitri filter the leaf extract with the filter in such way so Bacteria can't pass it. The result is surprising, The healthy tobacco become sick too. Iwanowski assume that he doing mistake in his experiment. But Six years later a Scientist of Holland, Martinus W. Beijerinick, make sure that Dmitri didn't make any mistake in his experiment. Martinus said that The Mosaic disease is caused by filtrable virus. He said that because the vector can pass the Bacteria Filter and can't be seen in the Light Microscope. along with the invention of the Electron Microscope, Now The "Virus" can be seen.
Charateristic of Virus
The size of virus is vary from 25 - 300 nm (1 nm = 10-9 m) The smallest virus that known is Poliovirus, the virus that caused Polio Disease. It size is only 25 nm and the biggest Virus that known is Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) that cause the Mosaic Disesase in Tobacco plant. Commonly virus have 4 common shape. In the Helix Shape, Polyhidris Shape, Complex and Viral Envelope.
Sturcutre And Function
Virus isn't a Cell (aseluler). Virus is a particle named virion. Virion can be crystallize so virus is more likely as mineral than living cell. As long as virus is a virion, it doesn't have cytoplasm, plasma membrane and Nukleus. Virus only have Nuclei Acid and Protein Coat.
Nuclei Acid
Mostly Virus have RNA. But it's still possible that Virus Have DNA.
Protein Coat (Capsid)
Capsid is made of the protein subunit called Capsomer. Capsid is also act as skeleton of the virus.
Reproduction of Virus
Virus have an ability that only living cell can do it. Virus can multiply itself, But need a help from a host than this process will broke up the cell. Hereby the process of Virus Reproduction.
Virus Type
Bacteria Virus
The virus that the host is a bacteria. The Bacteria virus is also known as Bacteriophage. Example. Bacteriophage T4 that having E.coli as a host.
Plant Virus
The virus that the host is a plant cell. Mostly the Plant virus only have RNA Nuclei Acid. The example is TMV that caused Mosaic Disease in Tobacco Plantts
Eucaryote Microorganism Virus
The virus that the host is an eucaryote cell but only can seen by Microscope. The example is Mycovirus that infected Fungi
Animal Virus
The virus that the host is an animal cell / human cell. Animal virus mostly have DNA Nuclei Acid. The Example is Rabies in the Canis Genus.
The Advantage of Virus.
Virus in our life isn't always harm us. Virus Can be act as Gene Agent for human interest. Example in Producing Pestisides or Producing Medicines.
Virus that Harming Human
The Harming Virus
Mostly virus are harm for our life. Here's the list of Harming Virus :
- Influenza Virus
Influenza virus is the virus that Caused Influenza. If the patient is ignored, that can be lead to Acute Respiratory Syndrome or in Indonesia commonly said ISPA. The symptomps are fever, cold, headache, backache, and coughing. Influenza is quiet tough to cure because the Mutation speed are very high.
- HIV (Human Immunodificiency Virus)
HIV is the Retrovirus that break down our immune system by attacking The T-helper Cell. Until now there has been no Medicine that stong enough to beat HIV because HIV is hiding in the T-Helper cell.
-Hepatitis Virus
Hepatitis Virus is the virus that caused Hepatitis B. This virus attacking the liver cell so lead to yellow fever and abdominal disorders.
-Ebola Virus
Ebola virus is the virus that caused Ebola Disease that grew up in the Continent of Africa. The Symptomps is the fever with severe bleeding that can lead to Dead.
-Measles Virus
Measles Virus is the Virus that causes Measles. This virus attack skin cell and causes early symptomps like fever, coughing, cold, than appear Measles wound from the face until to every part of the body.
-Polio Virus
Polio Virus is the virus that causes Polio. Polio Virus attacked Nerve cell that lead to paralyzed. Many Public figure that was suffer this Disease ex. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, The 26th President of USA.
- Mumps Virus
Mumps virus is the virus that Causes Mumps. Mumps is the disorder in the saliva gland that lead to oedema at the behind of the ears.
- Herpes Simplex Virus
This virus causes Herpes. Herpes is the disease that attacked skin cell and Mucus membrane on the mouth that cause flushed skin and appear nodule that like blister
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
HPV is the virus that causes Herpes. Herpes is the disease that attacked skin cell and grow to cancer cell. The symptoms is the nodule in the skin
Virus that harm Animal
- Rous Sarcoma Virus (RSV) that caused tumours in the chicken
-Newcastle Disease that causes tetelo in the chicken
-Rhabdovirus, that caused rabies in Canis Genus with symptomps scared of water, big anxiousity, lost the control of the muscle and more Aggresive
Virus that Harm Plants
-Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) that caused Mosaic disease that inhibited the growth of the plants and appearing spotting on the Tobacco leaves.
-Citrus leprosis Virus (CiLV) that causes inhibition in the Orange plants
Prevention against Virus attack
-Immunization when still baby
The list of the immunization
1)OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine)
2)Rabies Vaccine
3)Hepatitis Vaccine
4)Influenza Vaccine
5) Mumps, Measles, Rubella Vaccine
Okay, That's all about Virus, if you have any questions, feel free to ask to parawangsaa@yahoo.com. I'm Waiting ! See ya Guys !!!
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